Software for remote work employee collaboration.

Task. To optimize organizational work, management and collaboration among specialists working remotely, a tool was required to control task execution, processing, collecting, and updating information about employees.

Regulatory and reference documentation, data on human resource needs, reflecting information on hiring employees and confirming their competencies, time tracking, and planning business trips were stored and performed in different systems. This required support for multiple systems and duplication of some data when inputting.

Scope. To simplify the work, a system was needed which would aggregate the listed data and provide unified access to the information.

Solution. Software that records, processes and provides the following data to users upon request:

  1. Employee positions, competencies and responsibilities.
  2. Human resources and demand level for them.
  3. Employee hiring.
  4. Certification.
  5. Time tracking.
  6. Business trip planning and documentation.
  7. Specialist requirements.
  8. Compensation and social packages.
Remote work software

Results of implementation: the software allowed:

  • to reduce the time for information collection and processing by automating operations;
  • to provide users with easy access to data.

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