Workforce balance


To increase the efficiency of the use of labor resources in a production enterprise with significant seasonal fluctuations in demand and production of certain types of products, taking into account the movement of specialists between production operations, hiring, layoffs, temporary disability, as well as production and commercial indicators.

Prior to the introduction of the software, the planning hasn’t accounted for these factors, which significantly reduced the accuracy of labor requirements forecasting in various production areas. As a result, customers have regularly lost sales due to understaffing when production was ramped up, or experienced downtime or underutilization, leading to operational losses.


A tool that helps calculate workforce balances based on employee competencies and the ability to move between jobs, timesheets, sales plans and production capacity.

The solution

Software that generates workforce balance taking into account:

  • sales plans by product type and multiple business units;
  • seasonal changes in the need for employees within a few thousand people;
  • production capacity of each site;
  • competencies of employees and the possibility of movement between workplaces and departments;
  • shift work, labor, social leave, and sick leave;
  • the need for monthly updates of the plans.

Implementation results

At a food production company with more than 6,000 employees: significant reduction in operating costs due to the exact provision of each production area with the required number of qualified workers, as well as forecasting in the context of a given period.

Solution demo

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