Сomplicated made Easy. Machine learning and its benefits for manufacturing in questions and answers.
What is machine learning?
A type of artificial intelligence that trains a computer without programming, relying on patterns and logical inference.
How does it work?
The essence of Machine Learning comes down to collecting and processing structured or unstructured data and finding relationships between its pieces using built-in models.
How is it useful for manufacturing companies?
A few examples of how machine learning helps prevent downtime and improve quality in manufacturing companies:
- GE Oil & Gas uses machine learning to collect data about the condition of equipment from sensors. Based on the information about the condition of the machines and devices inspections and service schedule is generated. This helps prevent emergencies and downtime due to breakdowns.
- 3M uses Machine Learning to simulate how changinh size and shape of sandpaper will affect product quality. The results of the study are used to modify the manufacturing process.
- Simatic microcontroller supplier uses sensors to collect data about the stages of the production process. This makes it possible to control not just individual operations, but the production cycle.
Advantages of the approach:
- Increased accuracy of data and predictions.
- Autonomous operation without human intervention.
- Ability to increase the accuracy of results over time.
- Operational work with high volumes and complex data.
Do you have some data you need to collect, process and analyze? Write to volha.hancharyk@epolsoft.com, we’ll find a solution!