IoT Evolution in 2022


How did IoT evolve in 2022?

The beginning of the year good time to recap of the past year and highlight important events. Epol Soft as an IoT developer follows the trends and events of the industry.

In addition to mergers and acquisitions of major players, financing of start-ups, it is necessary to highlight several events and projects that characterize the development of the industry:

  1. Logistics sensor system is the fastest growing in IoT.
  2. The freight industry’s post-emergent functioning is characterized by delays and lost shipments. To make the movement of goods transparent and predictable, one of the market leaders in container shipping, Germany’s Hapag-Lloyd, will equip 1.6 million containers with sensors. According to IOT Analytics, IoT development will allow customers to monitor movements and plan deliveries

  3. The implementation leader is the healthcare industry.
  4. Financesonline notes that healthcare organizations are adopting IoT technologies more actively than others. IoT development helps to remotely:

    • provide care to patients;
    • monitor the conditions of patients;
    • monitor the microclimate of rooms requiring special climatic conditions.
  5. IoT Security.
  6. IoT Analytics notes that there were no significant IoT security incidents in 2022 compared to previous periods. This doesn’t mean that there were no such incidents, but the critical vulnerabilities that were discovered were mitigated by developer recommendations.

IoT development is one of Epol Soft’s competencies. The company develops solutions for::

  • Smart Parking;
  • Smart City;
  • Sensor data collection.

You can see the information about our IoT projects here.

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