A snack, a walk around the office, or a coffee with colleagues will benefit your work!

Break to work

A snack, a walk around the office, or a coffee with colleagues will benefit your work!

In an employer’s mind, an employee who gets sidetracked by a walk around the office, a snack, or a conversation with coworkers looks at least uninvolved in their work. But that impression can be deceptive. One study suggests that micro-breaks help increase engagement and productivity. Even a five-minute rest relieves fatigue and stress that builds up throughout the day.

When is the best time to take a work break?

It is useful to take micro-breaks every two hours or after completing a big task to “reset” the brain and better immerse yourself in a new task.

How to relieve stress and fatigue?

We can recommend you of some simple tips to recharge your energy and vigor:

  1. A light exercise: a walk around the office, in the park or some simple physical exercises.
  2. A favorite drink or snack. It is important to not have a quick snack, but rather to switch off work and enjoy the taste.
  3. Interacting with colleagues. A short conversation will relieve the tension and create a friendly atmosphere.
  4. Headphones and pleasant music. The right playlist will improve the mood.
  5. Short shifts of attention, such as looking at the news feed, will help reset and look at the problems in a different way.

How do you recharge during the day?

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