Instead of developing IoT software, ready-made IoT platforms can be used to connect and manage devices and connections. This allows one to create a network of smart devices in just a few days and then scale it up.
What is an IoT platform?
It’s a softwa... Read more
May 2023
Many users use the terms "portal" and "website" interchangeably. Even visually, a website and a portal can be similar: they can have buttons, menus, links, sections, etc. However, in their cores they are significantly different.
The key differences bet... Read more
According to the Analysis Mason Survey for 2022, there are approximately 1,900 private LTE or 5G networks worldwide. The majority of these are used in industrial enterprises and airports.
Why are private 5G networks so popular?
Fifth-generation networ... Read more
How does IoT work its wonders in medicine?
IoT in healthcare is revolutionizing the industry. IT technologies, with IoT in particular, are changing many industries and the way things get done. IoT makes cities friendlier and more comfortable to live in,... Read more